Chakra Incense

Chakra Incense

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Chakra Incense Sticks, 15g

15 Sticks

The learned Seers say that the transcendental spiritual energy called ‘Kundalini’ resides in Moolaadhaara and pervades in Swadhishtana, Manipooraka, Anahata, Vishuddha and Ajna Chakras (pranic energy distribution centers in the body). The Goddess Parvati based in these chakras in the form of triangles energizes the chakras. The energy in the form of triangle has in its center Bindu (dot) the form of Siva. Therefore, an inseparable relationship exists between Shiva and Shakti.


Country of Origin: India
Dimension: Incense Stick Height 20cm
Dimension in Inches: Incense Stick Height 7.87"